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    23 Jun 2009
    Cricket Invades D.C. and Baltimore

    Cricket has now added the Baltimore and Washington D.C. area as part of their regional coverage. The move is expected to create 310 jobs in what was considered an ailing economic region even prior to the current global financial crisis. Cricket will open 21 stores as part of this new venture with another 300 third party merchants already promising to carry the wares of this small, yet up and coming carrier. Baltimore and D.C. will now also enjoy unlimited internet access that is available throughout the Cricket coverage area. I for one would like to see more expansion from the smaller carriers in North America. Contrary to popular perception, there is not enough mobile competition in North America and the denser the wireless market becomes, the more the customer…

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    17 Jun 2009
    The U.S. Government Does Some Good and Some Bad

    After two decades of being shackled by an archaic and rather inane law, the glorious Federal Government of the United States is set to pass a law that will no longer require businesses to document corporate cell phone usage for personal and business use. Why is this law finally being abolished? Because cell phone minutes are now so cheap that any tax related implications for businesses is no longer applicable. Score one for the evil suits in the White House. However, just when you thought the dark clouds have cleared over the head of ‘the man’, the White House turns around and makes an idiotic move that really shows us that nothing has changed. The U.S Government has asked the FCC to investigate the fairness of having wireless providers and cell phone manufactures sign…

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    21 May 2009
    Apple Gains Market Share… Maybe

    According to research done by Gartner and TechRadar, Apple has doubled its share in the global smartphone market. Apple has sold roughly 4 million units and increased its market share to about 11 percent. Sounds good? Not when you examine the big picture a little more closely. RIM and Nokia still lead the way in the smartphone industry, with 20 and 15 percent shares of the market respectively. Of the top five selling phone in the United States, three were Blackberries, with the Curve dethroning the iPhone for the top spot. Apple would still argue that they have increased their market share if you examine the percentages. However, since there is no exact definition of a smartphone and because the majority of standard phones the will be available five years from now will…

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    Palm Pre for $199 at Best Buy

    Best Buy will be offering the Palm Pre for only $199. Best Buy is selling the Pre at a great price which includes an instant rebate and not a mail in rebate, which I for one can never remember or be bothered to mail. Does the price of $199 seem a little low to you? Of course it does. Purchasing a Palm Pre at Best Buy will include a two year contract. (Dum, Dum, Dum) The Palm Pre is scheduled to launch on June 6th through Sprint and will run on the Palm webOS. For those of you who do not have a Best Buy within reach, or have decided to boycott the electronics giant, you can also purchase the Palm Pre at Radio Shack and some Wal-Mart locations. I for one have boycotted all three, so I won’t be buying a Palm Pre. And no, I didn’t write that because it rhymes. …

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    19 May 2009
    U.S. Cellular Battery Swap Service is Nothing Special

    U.S. Cellular is offering its customers a battery swap plan that has several prominent bloggers singing its praises. U.S. Cellular has promised to exchange dead batteries if the customer has purchased the device in the last 18 months. Does that sound like good customer service? To me, that sounds like expected customer service – especially if I am under a contract. The fact is ladies and gentlemen, that the customer service is so poor in the telecom industry, that when a company actually does what is considered standard customer service in other fields, we jump for joy. I would love to know why a manufacturer cannot promise a standard warranty on it batteries for 18 to 24 months. I’m not talking about dropping the battery, pouring water on it, or chucking it into a…

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    18 May 2009
    Edit Videos for Your Mobile with SmartMovie

    SmartMovie is a useful program that allows users to edit videos specifically for their mobile phone. The SmartMovie application has two parts. The first is the software on the phone and the second is the program that sits on the computer. Both parts of SmartMovie work in tandem to create the best mobile video viewing experience possible. SmartMovie comes with a whole range of functions. Some of these functions are:

    Subtitle support

    File preview on the computer

    Portrait and landscape modes are available

    Video altering and rescaling

    Uses the same codecs as on a computer

    Fast conversion – five times faster than the average computer

    While I am sure that SmartMovie was created to capture and edit…

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    17 May 2009
    Man Gets 60 Years in Prison for Using Cell Phone

    The great state of Texas is known for its love of all things big. Big hamburgers, big beers, big cars and now, big idiots as well. Not to generalize because I have met many a friendly and quite sane Texan in my day, but this latest punishment handed down by a Texas jury is truly mind boggling. An inmate at the Coffield Unit facility has been given an additional 60 years to his sentence after he was caught with a cell phone by prison authorities. I know of Western countries where you get five years for rape. This means that either everyone is too lenient except Texas, or Texas is nuts and completely out of control when it comes to handing out punishment. Texas has been on its spurs since a state senator received death threats from an inmate waiting on death row. While I…

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    13 May 2009
    Hugo Chavez and his Penis… Phone

    Venezuelan President and world nut job Hugo Chavez has become the first world leader to release a mobile phone. Chavez unveiled his new phone, dubbed the ‘Vergatorio’, which will be available for only $15. When one compares inflation and currency strength however, $15 in Venezuela is in line with most budget phones around the world. The big news however, is not the price of the phone, nor is the fact that a country’s President is the brains behind it, but rather the name. Vergatorio mean penis in Venezuelan slang. Yes, you read correctly. Apparently, Hugo Chavez’s ego is so big, that he actually claimed that the penis phone will become a best seller around the world. Photographs of Chave’z new mobile member reveal that it does not resemble a penis and that it is rather…

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    12 May 2009
    New Toilet Paper App for iPhone and G1

    It is indeed a sad day when an app from Greenpeace is labeled as a ‘crap app’, but we had little choice in the matter. Greenpeace is now offering an app for the iPhone and G1 in which users can judge the environmental merits of different toilet paper brands. That’s right ladies and gentleman – now you can use your iPhone or G1 to purchase the most eco friendly ass cleaner. While I must confess to not being the biggest tree hugger in the world, I am certainly aware of the environmental difficulties and hardships we are currently facing. Thus, I do not oppose that idea of Greenpeace coming out with a list of environmental appropriate toilet paper, but rather that Greenpeace felt that it should be in the form of an app. They could easily have distributed the toilet paper…

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    10 May 2009
    Landlines Facing Extinction

    In the United States, there are now more cell phone (or is it mobile phone?) only homes than there are landline only homes. That isn’t a very bold statement when one considers that there are more cell phones than there are people in the United States and that landlines have become less popular rather dramatically over the last several years. Landline only homes account for only 17% of the total homes in the country, where as mobile only homes are three percent higher. Students and bachelors leaving home for the first time have not been ready to embrace the landline in the same way their parents did. Considering that this social demographic tends to earn lower wages than those in their 30s and 40s, would indicate that this is a budget decision as well. Why pay for two…

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    Clean Bandit - Rockabye (Feat. Sean Paul and Anne-Marie)

    The Chainsmokers - Closer (Feat. Halsey)

    Migos - T-Shirt

    Ed Sheeran - Shape of You

    Travis Scott - Goosebumps

    Bruno Mars - 24K Magic

    Gucci Mane - Both (Feat. Drake)

    Marian Hill - Down

    Fifty Shades Darker - I Don`t Wanna Live Forever (Taylor Swift and Zayn)

    Childish Gambino - Redbone

    Jane 12/21/2011

    "I just wanted to thank you guys for listening to the users!"

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