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    New Guidelines for the Windows Marketplace

    27 Jul 2009 - 12:06 PM | 
    Apple, Windows Mobile

    Just when we thought that Apple was the leader of the fascist movement in the mobile world, we are reminded that Microsoft is still the anti-Christ when it comes to liberal ideology. Windows Mobile Marketplace has issued new guidelines for developers. These guidelines, while originally intended to keep children using the Marketplace safe from harmful influences, have morphed into a Gestapo operation, crushing creativity and free thinking. The result is that most video games cannot be purchase from the Marketplace. Microsoft will not allow prolonged shooting, gore, excessive profanity and just about anything that may generate a T for Teen rating. The Windows Marketplace may run parallel to communism in many ways, but there is still one great equalizer that makes it more liberal than anything Apple can offer. If your app application for the Windows Marketplace gets rejected, you can still run it solo, unlike Apple where getting rejected from the App Store is a death sentence.

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