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    19 Jul 2010
    Consumer Reports Snubs Apple Fix

    Continuing coverage of Apple’s attempt to solve the reception crisis of the iPhone 4 has brought about an interesting turn of events from Consumer Reports. The independent reviewer previously stated that it was unable to give the iPhone 4 a recommendation due to the reception problems that have plagued the device. After the press conference in which Steve Jobs announced that Apple would be distributing cases which should rectify the problem, Consumer Reports had this to say: Consumer Reports believes Apple’s offer of free cases is a good first step. However, Apple has indicated that this is not a long-term solution, it has guaranteed the offer only through September 30th, and has not extended it unequivocally to customers who bought cases from third-party vendors. We…

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    RIM Shows Apple No Mercy

    His lordship, Steve Jobs, was scrambling during the now infamous reception press conference. Under scrutiny for horrendous reception problems, Jobs attempted to deflect some of the accusations aimed at Apple towards other mobile manufacturers, such as RIM and Nokia. Jobs claimed that many smartphones suffered from the same reception problems that iPhone 4 users have encountered. Suffice to say, RIM and Nokia were not happy about having their devices compared to the iPhone 4 (how times have changed) and have retaliated in kind. RIM especially, released a very aggressive statement.

    'Apple’s attempt to draw RIM into Apple’s self-made debacle is unacceptable. Apple’s claims about RIM products appear to be deliberate attempts to distort the public’s understanding of…

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    15 Jul 2010
    Apple Calls Emergency Press Conference for Friday

    Steve Jobs and Apple have called a press conference set for tomorrow in what appears to be an attempt to answer some of the market contempt for the iPhone 4 design flaws. Most notably, the reception problem which has plagued the iPhone 4 from the get go. Apple really has no choice but to stand in front of the firing squad on this one. With much negative publicity circulating the internet and the mainstream media these days regarding the faulty device, Apple needs to satisfy concerns and announce how it plans to rectify this problem. Whether or not Steve Jobs conducts the press conference himself is unclear. If Jobs is present, then this could indicate that Apple is admitting that there is a serious problem and that they are doing everything they can to solve it. On the…

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    14 Jul 2010
    Apple Conducting a Silent Recall of the iPhone 4?

    A few rumors are circulating regarding a silent recall by Apple over defective iPhones. The prominent blog Gizmodo received the following from an iPhone 4 user. It should be noted that Apple and Gizmodo apparently share a hostile relationship and that this statement is by no means confirmed and authenticated.

    ‘I've been following all of the iPhone 4 stuff since I got mine the day before release. I was able to replicate the signal issue. I also had the proximity sensor issue, causing inadvertent mute button pushing. There were a few other software issues I was experiencing so I consulted Apple at the Fifth Avenue store in New York. They replaced my phone. The diagnostic showed that the OS was corrupt and certain utilities were failing. [They claimed that] all…

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    Consumer Reports Refuses to recommend the iPhone 4

    An independent product review service called Consumer Reports has issued a statement explaining that it cannot recommend the purchase of the iPhone 4. Consumer Reports gave the now well known reception problem of the iPhone 4 as the reason they could not give the phone their approval. The independent service also stated that they did not believe Apple’s claim that the reception issues were software related and that they were positive that the calamity was the result of a serious hardware malfunction. This and other sources of negative publicity have not hindered the sales of the iPhone 4. With over 1.7 million units sold, this is the most successful launch by Apple in the company’s history. That being said, the hype Apple received was largely due to the success of the…

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    13 Jul 2010
    Android to Surpass 10,000 Applications

    When the mobile community hears something about a new milestone, (not the operating system) it is usually attached to the Apple App Store. Every month a new statistic comes out that further cements Apple as the undisputed king of mobile applications. That is why it is so refreshing to hear about other companies and developers reaching their own impressive milestones. The Android Market is set to hit 100,000 applications sometime this month. Currently, the Android Market has over 90,000 applications and the rate of new apps indicates that there will be over 100,000 by the end of the month. Apple proponents will be quick to counter that the Android Market isn’t really reaching a milestone because many of the applications available are free. That is a completely irrelevant…

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    6 Jul 2010
    Where Can You Find Free Applications?

    An interesting study revealed some key facts regarding app services and their percentage of free applications. The variance was surprising to say the least. Android by far offers the highest percentage of free applications with 57%. The App Store on the other hand, offers only 23% of it applications without charge. There is the argument that Apple applications are required to obtain a higher standard than their Android counterparts due to Apple’s tyrannical app approval process. However, Apple is notorious for blocking more free applications than paid applications. The reason being is that there is no cut for Apple from free apps. Google has taken a different approach to their Android market. Google will basically allow any type of app, paid or free, and while this…

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    4 Jul 2010
    Apple Continues to Make Excuses for Bad Reception

    Steve Jobs and Apple have gone totally insane. The ongoing mess revolving around poor reception has been one huge public relations blunder for Cupertino. Firstly, Jobs claimed that there was no problem and that users were simply holding the phone wrong. After being laughed at by the market for such an inane response, Jobs and Apple were further hampered by a leaked document that proved that the reception problem was with all iPhones. In a desperate attempt to sweep this problem under the rug, Apple has now come out with the following: ‘Upon investigation, we were stunned to find that the formula we use to calculate how many bars of signal strength to display is totally wrong. Our formula, in many instances, mistakenly displays two more bars than it should for a given…

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    1 Jul 2010
    Motorola Takes Shot at Apple

    Apple is continuing to eat some serious cow dung over the reception problems with the iPhone 4. This time it is Motorola that is slapping the high and mighty Cupertino based tech firm that has been brought down to earth over this major kerfuffle. The new advertisement of the soon to be released Motorola Droid X device highlights all of the great specifications of the phone but also announces that users will be able to hold the Android powered device any way they wish. At the bottom of the ad it states ‘And most importantly, it comes with a double antenna design. The kind that allows you to hold the phone any way you like and use it just about anywhere to make crystal clear calls.’ There is no doubt that Apple will soon solve the reception problems that have plagued the…

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    30 Jun 2010
    Lawsuit against Apple over Reception Issues?

    The buzzards are already starting to circle around Cupertino. Due to the serious iPhone 4 reception problems that have plagued the launch of the next generation device, scumbag lawyers are looking at cashing in on Apple’s misfortune. "If you recently purchased the new iPhone and have experienced poor reception quality, dropped calls and weak signals, we would like to hear from you," said the law firm Kershaw Cutter & Ratinoff who are poised to strike at what they probably perceive to be a lucrative opportunity. I wonder how many spineless jellyfish have already answered the call. If any have, then they should be ashamed of themselves. If you have a problem, then go to Apple and deal with it, but don’t try to weasel some cash into your pocket without allowing…

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    Jason DeRulo - Swalla (Feat. Nicki Minaj and Ty Dolla Sign)

    Migos - Bad and Boujee (Feat. Lil Uzi Vert)

    Bruno Mars - That`s What I Like

    Justin Timberlake - Can`t Stop The Feeling! (Trolls)

    Brett Young - In Case You Didn`t Know

    Childish Gambino - Redbone

    Jason Aldean - Any Ol` Barstool

    Shawn Mendes - Mercy

    Travis Scott - Goosebumps

    Luis Fonsi - Despacito (Feat. Daddy Yankee)

    Jane 12/21/2011

    "I just wanted to thank you guys for listening to the users!"

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