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    20 Dec 2009
    iPhone Burned on SNL

    There is nothing more pathetic than the pathetic making fun of the pathetic. But that is exactly what has happened according to several recent reports by the mobile blogosphere. Saturday Night Live, a show that should have been kicked off the air years ago, made a joke about the poor reception that iPhone users encounter. Does iPhone reception suck? You bet it does. Is Saturday Night Live funny? You bet it’s not. Nevertheless, I am sure that many an iPhone user cringed after the iPhone joke was told. The fact that the iPhone’s reception problems have reached mainstream media should serve as a warning to both Apple and AT&T. Speaking of AT&T; the rather inept carrier was not mentioned. This highlights the fact that the reception problems with the iPhone are blamed on…

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    Google Trademark’s the Nexus One Name

    Google, having learned their lesson from the Android name kerfuffle, have trademarked the name ‘Nexus One’. Nexus One is the rumored device that Google is set to launch in 2010 and this trademark is concrete proof of the name Google plan on using. It was reported that Phillip K. Dick, owner of the rights to the movie Blade Runner, was disappointed that Google did not seek his permission to use the Nexus One name. I am sure that comment caused a few snorts. In any case, Google is hell bent on dominating the mobile industry and they certainly have the resources to do it. I think it is pretty much a safe bet to predict that the Android OS will become the most popular operating system in the world by 2011 and if all goes according to plan, the Nexus One will become the most…

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    15 Dec 2009
    Android Market Reaches 20,000 Apps

    Mobilecrunch.com has reported that the Android Market has surpassed 20,000 applications. It was no surprise that Android reached this important milestone. What is surprising is that just a mere 5 months ago, there were about half the amount of Android apps there are today. While we all recognize the increasing popularity of the Android OS over the last year, it was perhaps unexpected to see app developers jump on the Android bandwagon so quickly. 20,000 may seem like a miniscule number to some when compared to the outrageous 300,000 apps available in Apple’s App Store, but Android should be commended for increasing and improving their product in the face of a strong market leader like Apple. 2010 will perhaps be the year for the Android. With dozens of Android powered…

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    New Picture App for the iPhone

    Beanheads Consulting has released a new picture app for the iPhone and iPod Touch called Sort Shots. Sort Shots is designed to save users time by aiding them in find the pictures they are looking for instead having to scroll about, rifling through hundreds of pictures they may have stored on their iPhone. Sort Shots also allows iPhone users to create a slideshow of their pictures and even helps to upload photos to social media services such as Facebook and Twitter. At only $2.99 USD, Sort Shots sounds like an affordable and practical application. It does continue the trend of good apps that magnify the weaknesses of the iPhone unfortunately. Would someone please explain to me why we even need an application like this, when Apple could have easily built such a service…

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    14 Dec 2009
    Could Apple Be Responsible for Poor AT&T Network Performance?

    The left wing radicals over at the NY Times have written an article that claims that the iPhone may be responsible for the shortcomings in the AT&T network. AT&T has been rated dead last in consumer satisfaction recently, with many customers located in large metropolitan areas complaining about dropped calls and slow data transfer times. While AT&T has never complained about Apple or the iPhone, Roger Entner over at Nielsen had this to say: ‘the iPhone has the nimbus of infallibility, ergo, it's AT&T's fault’. This means that consumers automatically blame AT&T rather thane Apple for the problems at hand. How could Apple be responsible for the problems with the AT&T network you ask? Entner explains that the iPhone’s electronics that are responsible for connecting to AT&T…

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    13 Dec 2009
    Nokia and Apple to Enter Courtroom Brawl

    Apple and Nokia have decided to behave like school children, arguing who gets to throw the football first. Following North American carriers trashing one another in television commercials, Apple and Nokia have taken their squabbling one step further by entering the courtroom. Nokia sued Apple recently for infringement of its UMTS patents. In response, Apple slapped Nokia with a lawsuit containing no less than 13 different patent infringements. Apple's message was clear, we have no problem allowing others to steal from us, as long as they let us steal from them as well. It is resoundingly clear that this adolescent and unprofessional behavior cannot continue. It is hugely disruptive to the mobile industry as it progresses into its Golden Age. While I am a proponent of…

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    9 Dec 2009
    PC World: App Store Should Be More Open

    PC World, the white knight in the technological waste land we live in, is arguing that Apple needs to do a better job in growing their own social media tools, though they acknowledge Apple will probably not be interested in making iTunes a more socially friendly environment any time soon. This whole debate sparked when Apple booted an app developer for creating fraudulent reviews for his applications. PC World argues that it is not possible for Apple to monitor the validity of all of their apps because of the sheer volume the App Store offers. This is why a more social approach is required. Of course, we all know that the Third Reich would never allow such a free thinking philosophy. Imagine people speaking up and making the App Store a better place? Shocking! It would…

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    8 Dec 2009
    South Koreans Purchase 60,000 iPhones on Opening Day

    Looks like the South Koreans really like the iPhone. KT Corporation, the carrier responsible for bringing the iPhone to the sane and progressive portion of Korea has sold over 60,000 units on launch day. While the Smartphone market in South Korea makes up only 1% of the total mobile sales in the country, KT Corporation is hoping to change all that with the iPhone. Remember, it was the iPhone’s release in the Untied States that really pushed the Smartphone market into the forefront of the telecommunications industry. There are perhaps two main obstacles for a similar manifestation in South Korea to occur. 1) The average South Korean has lower purchasing power than the average American. This may make large scale purchasing of the iPhone by the South Korean public somewhat…

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    Apple Removes App Due to Fraudulent Reviews

    Looks like I spoke too soon. The Aryan efficiency with which Apple runs their App Store has finally provided some positive results. Apparently, a rogue app developer, Molinker Inc, submitted over 40 fake five star reviews for their app called NightCam Pro. App Store bigwig Phil Schiller acted with swift and merciless action by not only removing the app in question, but also removing an additional 1900 apps created by Molinker. This is surely one of the few examples that Apples Third Reich approach to their app service actual carries some merit. An open source platform such as Android would probably not have acted as quickly to combat such an offense. Apple’s response to this event should raise a red flag to other app developers who are contemplating similar unethical…

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    6 Dec 2009
    Should Apple Go Quality Over Quantity?

    David Coursey over at PC World really hit the nail with his article called ‘Apple Should Approve Fewer But Better iPhone Apps’. In his article, David mentions several reasons why Apple should alter its approval policy regarding iPhone apps. The most important factor was the emergence of the Android app platform that is specifically geared towards an open source concept. With Apple effectively using a closed source concept, (Does anyone really know what the app store guidelines really are?) it could be prudent and imperative for Apple to emphasize quality over quantity. Google is by far and away the undisputed king of bulk content on the internet. With the Android gaining popularity in massive strides over the last several months, it would appear unlikely that Apple will…

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    Big Sean - Bounce Back

    Keith Urban - The Fighter (Feat. Carrie Underwood)

    James Arthur - Say You Won`t Let Go

    Kodak Black - Tunnel Vision

    Future - Mask Off

    The Chainsmokers - Paris

    DJ Khaled - Shining (Feat. Beyonce and Jay Z)

    Post Malone - Congratulations (Feat. Quavo)

    Calvin Harris - Slide (Feat Frank Ocean and Migos)

    Jason DeRulo - Swalla (Feat. Nicki Minaj and Ty Dolla Sign)

    Jane 12/21/2011

    "I just wanted to thank you guys for listening to the users!"

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