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    20 Dec 2006
    Asus Z801: The Singer's Phone

    Are you fascinated by the battle between the two armies played on a square board? If you are, then this is the right phone for you, well actually it does not have chess capability but still it is wise enough to have a wisdom voice control. The similarity to the wise game does not end here and the phone has a beautiful looking keyboard in the chess style. We are talking here of the new designer phone from Asus known as the Asus Z801.

    It is not clear till now where this phone would be released first but seems like it would come to China and UK. Wherever it comes, it will surely bring happiness (do you find it hard to believe that a phone build in army game format could bring happiness) because it has got so many features.

    There is a 2 mega pixel camera,…

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    19 Dec 2006
    Waleli: Cell Phone For The Front Door

    Cell phones are being used for diverse purposes but this one is surely going to draw your attention. If you are one of those who hardly stay in your house and are worried about missing visitors when you are not around, here is the right stuff for you.

    Waleli device is in the form of an intercom which is fitted with a mobile phone (which obviously means it has a sim card as well). So whenever somebody rings your doorbell, you get a call on you cell which can be used to communicate with the visitor. The communication can be either just one way or two ways depending on how much can you shell out, and cost around 596 bucks for single way talk and nearly 900 for two way communication.

    Not only can you hear and talk to the visitor but depending on whether…

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    Vonage And V-Phone

    This is not a mobile phone actually... well yes in the sense that you can use it to talk while being mobile but not a mobile exactly.

    What’s there in a name as they say and whether mobile or not, as long as you can chat while you are away from you home and that too without the fear of roaming charges? (Although I do not understand till date why are they called roaming charges and not holiday charges which seems bit decent)?

    So what is this device... actually this is just a USB adaptor which you fit on one of the rectangular slots in your PC. So the next time you are on a holiday no need to carry your cell, but only your laptop (it will work on desktop also but most probably you wont imagine yourself sitting on a beach with your bulky desktop - might be…

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    Snowhite Comes Calling

    Surely you must remember the story of snowhite from your school days (I only remember the name snowhite and not the full story since nowadays my kids go to school not me). Well snowhite hasn’t bought a new mobile but a mobile has surely come up with snowhite concept. Not exactly snowhite actually but snowflakes and the beauty x beauty series of phones from the Japanese manufacturer AU, whose casing covered with snowflake like figures lights up whenever your beloved snowhite calls up.

    Well actually it lights up whenever you receive a call from somebody and therefore are quite popular these days as the craze for designer phones is on the rise. So whosoever is not satisfied with Alice in wonderland and wants to shift over to Snowhite this is a golden opportunity.…

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    16 Dec 2006
    The Invisible iPod Case

    When do you say these chanting... well if you have read even a tiny bit of magic books in your childhood (as most kids do) you would know that these incantations are meant to cast a spell or create a magic. So what are they doing here on a mobile website... actually this concept has been applied by a company to create "invisible" covers for you iPod to keep it safe and yet not hide its beauty behind some funky looking case.

    NO, this is not a joke and Vakaadoo (the name itself sounds magical and reminds me of Voodoo - the famous African magic) have come up of clear acrylic transparent enough not to be visible to the naked eye, yet visible enough to the wall or ground when you bump you iPod against one so that it protects it.

    So where will you…

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    14 Dec 2006
    Solar Mobile Charger: Ladies First Please

    This idea seems as bright as the Oriental sun, which is to utilize the sun for charging our mobiles and mp3’s. Well something is surely cooking and although there are no confirmed reports on exactly where this has been launched or available, there are talks about the wholesale price of this gadget being less than $2 which seems a bargain anyways.

    So if you are living in a place where the Lord of the Universe (nothing to do with Harry Potter stuff - I just mean the Sun) bestows His Grace frequently, just don’t bother about carrying electrical charger anymore.

    Just one thing didn’t strike me, of course as a gentleman I agree that it should be Ladies First, but why this has been called a ladies device? May be because of the shape which resembles something…

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    LG And Prada - A Unique Come Together

    What do you get when you combine a leader in fashion design with a leading company in mobile design (just in case you don’t know - remember the chocolate from LG which is storming the world due to its sweetness). Well surely either you will get a fashion accessory which is sure to make you mobile (I mean you want to go places after wearing it) or you get a mobile which is very fashionable.

    This is exactly what is being planned by Prada, a famous name in the fashion world and LG which needs no introduction in the world of electronics and mobiles.

    No clues, no leaked pictures yet, but the companies are surely bent upon producing a technical beauty with brains, and the product is supposed to be launched somewhere in the beginning of the next year…

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    12 Dec 2006
    Two To Tango

    One and one is eleven they say, ok at least it’s two, which is sufficient enough for two to tango. What all things come in pair you can see the list is pretty long. From shoes to socks to twins... but have you ever imagine a mobile phone with two screens! Yes that’s not a fanciful idea but a fact.

    At a recently held Seoul International Invention Fair, this was exactly what came from a Korean designer. Actually I think the guy got his idea from the problems he faced while surfing the web from his mobile. So he designed a phone which has two screens attached sideways and gives the effect of a single double sized screen to help you when you are reading emails or surfing a site, so that you don’t need to scroll here and there very often. It can also be folded to…

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    11 Dec 2006
    Are You A Globetrotter?

    Are you one of those whom nature has blessed (or cursed depending on how you take it) much more than Jules Verne? Ok for those who seem unfamiliar with this name does this title sound familiar - 'Around the World In Eighty Days' - so there you go! Don’t get nostalgic with school time memories guys back to the real world.

    But fortunately the real world is becoming even faster than the novel and globetrotters might travel the world 7 times in so much time period. So who’s coming to their aid? True to its name, Option has introduced Globetrotter 7.2 to help you go around the word 7.2 times in eight days.

    Jokes apart this is a serious business. This a perfect companion for those on the move with mobile devices, and is a name for universal data card which…

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    Vertu Exclusive Set Of Exclusive Mobiles

    Who likes to be exclusive and unique, well I can see lots of raised hands (or clicked mouses or rather mice for those of you with an obsession for grammar). So if you like to be in the exclusive lot, you surely must have heard of Vertu. For others let me explain, it is a subsidiary of our very own Nokia which manufactures only exclusive phones in limited quantities.

    But now the company has come up with an exclusive plan. Where people might just be satisfied by owning one exclusive phone, the company has come up with a unique idea of owning a whole set of such phones packed in a brilliant box.

    Now only think of owning this either if you are a billionaire of plan to sell everything you own plus some loans. No guesses on price but its better if not told…

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    Kygo - It Ain`t Me (Feat. Selena Gomez)

    Bruno Mars - 24K Magic

    Kyle - iSpy (Feat. Lil Yachty)

    Jason DeRulo - Swalla (Feat. Nicki Minaj and Ty Dolla Sign)

    Ed Sheeran - Castle on the Hill

    Brett Young - In Case You Didn`t Know

    Luke Combs - Hurricane

    Linkin Park - Heavy (Feat. Kiiara)

    The Chainsmokers - Closer (Feat. Halsey)

    Post Malone - Congratulations (Feat. Quavo)

    Jane 12/21/2011

    "I just wanted to thank you guys for listening to the users!"

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